Filed under 7 year olds

How to deal with a disruptive student

We have all had that one student. The one who is bright and enthusiastic, but is so energetic that s/he can’t sit still or stop talking for more than a millisecond at a time. The traditional teacher-fronted classroom is a real challenge for them, and I am sure that they get more than their fair share … Continue reading

How to Make Flashcard Drills Exciting

How to Make Flashcard Drills Exciting

(Note: tips for adjusting this activity for a large class is at the end of the post.) Sometimes there is just no way to get around doing flashcard drills, but that is no reason why you can’t inject a little fun into the activity! First of all, if you are not already using the 1-2-3 incentive technique then … Continue reading

Better Than Hot Potato: SWEET Potato

Better Than Hot Potato: SWEET Potato

Hot Potato is always a good stand-by game for practicing all kinds of stuff. You know that game, where you pass around a ball until the music stops, and then whoever is holding the ball is out? Hot Potato is great for language learning because you can get the whole group engaged while everyone is hearing … Continue reading

Using dice as a randomizer

If you’ve been using the classroom management game I wrote about before, then you’ll probably be needing some sort of system to call on students randomly. This will help you avoid disappointing the students when you don’t choose them, and no one will be able to accuse you of favoritism. If you have a smart … Continue reading

My new behavior management game

My new behavior management game

I have a class of 1st-3rd graders, and I have often struggled with motivation techniques. They absolutely LOVE any kind of point system, but I never really found one I liked because: the more advanced kids tend to dominate the class, and the newer/younger students feel overwhelmed the kids aren’t really mature enough to handle … Continue reading

Alphabet Awareness Game: Hot Potato

Alphabet Awareness Game: Hot Potato

This game can be adjusted to various levels and age groups. The basic idea is as follows: Sit in a circle. Play music that ends within a minute (I recommend the Jeopardy theme song). Throw a beanbag to one student and say a letter of the alphabet. The student catches the beanbag and says the … Continue reading

Flashcard Game: 3 Card Monte

Flashcard Game: 3 Card Monte

This activity is good for introducing just 3-6 new cards. It works best with kids 3 and over. Lay out your new cards. Say the target word/phrase as you lay each card down, face up. One by one, say the word/phrase and turn over the cards until all are face down. Pretend to “review” one … Continue reading