Filed under 9 year olds

How to Make Flashcard Drills Exciting

How to Make Flashcard Drills Exciting

(Note: tips for adjusting this activity for a large class is at the end of the post.) Sometimes there is just no way to get around doing flashcard drills, but that is no reason why you can’t inject a little fun into the activity! First of all, if you are not already using the 1-2-3 incentive technique then … Continue reading

Better Than Hot Potato: SWEET Potato

Better Than Hot Potato: SWEET Potato

Hot Potato is always a good stand-by game for practicing all kinds of stuff. You know that game, where you pass around a ball until the music stops, and then whoever is holding the ball is out? Hot Potato is great for language learning because you can get the whole group engaged while everyone is hearing … Continue reading